A man laughs while drinking coffee while others chat around him

Sundays at Grace

What time does worship start? How long is the service?

Our worship service starts at 10:15 am and lasts about 90 minutes. On the first three Sundays of the month, September through May, we offer additional classes at 9 am.

What is your service style like?

Sunday worship is at the heart of our congregation, connecting us with God and each other. It's where we celebrate the gospel, renew our commitment, and let God's word shape our lives. Our worship is both expressive—allowing us to convey joy and struggle—and formative, shaping us into who we are called to be. Our services intend to meet us where we are and lead us on a journey of growth. Some need to learn to rejoice, others to lament, and we aim to help cultivate these responses.

As an Anglican congregation, Grace’s services follow a historic liturgy and seasonal calendar rooted in the early church, guiding us through the Gospel story. We pray, sing hymns old and new, read Scripture, move our bodies, hear God’s word read and preached, and feast at Christ's table—all aimed at sharing in God’s Triune life.

How will I know what to do?

To facilitate our worship together, we provide an Order of Worship (OW) booklet for each service. You can pick up a copy in the foyer when you arrive. Songs and readings are also projected at the front of the sanctuary.

A man holds open his order of worship during service

What is available for my kids/teens?

Grace Kids is ready and eager to welcome your kids and teach them about the God who loves us. To learn more about Grace Kids and classes available during the service, check out the Grace Kids page. Kids are also welcome to stay with you throughout the service.

Our Youth Group is an integral part of our church life. Youth classes are offered before the worship service and at various times outside of Sunday mornings. Check out our Youth Group page.

What about communion?

At Grace we celebrate the Lord’s supper every week and everyone is invited to come forward. You don't need to be Anglican; if you are a baptized believer you are welcome to take communion with us and will be handed a piece of bread to dip in your choice of wine or grape juice. Gluten-free elements are available.

If you are still exploring faith but haven’t yet professed your faith, we still want you to come forward! Simply cross your arms as you approach to receive a prayer of blessing from the servers.

Communion bread, wine, and a Bible sit on the communion table awaiting service

Do you have a dress code?

We do not have a dress code and invite you to come to church dressed however you feel most comfortable.

What about parking and transportation?

Grace meets for worship at the following address: 1300 E Aloha Street, Seattle, WA 98102

It is about a 15-minute walk from the Capitol Hill light rail station to our church. We're also close to the #10 and #49 bus routes coming out of downtown. There is a parking lot to the north of the building, and street parking is available in the neighborhood when the parking lot is full.