A boy and a girl hugging and smiling in front of bushes outdoors

Grace Kids

The presence of children is a gift to the Church. They are vital members of our community here at Grace. Our ministry's hope is to partner with parents in raising children in the love of God.

Classes during worship service

We offer developmentally appropriate classes for children 6 months through 5th Grade, however, children are always welcome to remain in the worship service.

To help children engage with worship more personally, we provide activity sheets, lap desks, and coloring materials available in the foyer. In addition, there is a room for families with infants in the back of the sanctuary as well as a family room located in the upstairs chapel with livestream viewing for parents and toys for children.


6mo-2years | downstairs, room 117

Parents may drop off their children at the start of worship and pick them up at the end of the service (Please note, we are not able to change diapers, we will text you if this is needed.)

Preschool class

3-5 years | downstairs, room 120

Parents may drop off their children at the start of worship and pick them up during the Offering where children join the entire church in partaking of the Lord’s Supper or to receive a blessing.

worship prep 1

k-2nd grade | downstairs, room 119

Parents may drop off their children at the start of worship and pick them up during Passing of the Peace after the sermon. This class does not meet on the 5th Sunday of the month.

worship prep 2

k-2nd grade | downstairs, room 119

Parents may drop off their children at the start of worship and pick them up during Passing of the Peace after the sermon. This class does not meet on the 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.

KidCheck logo

All children who attend a class need to be signed into KidCheck, a secure children check-in system, and wear their KidCheck name tag to enter class. Once you’ve created your account, you simply use your 10 digit phone number to check-in with us on Sunday mornings.

Curriculum & Practice

Our classrooms are designed to offer age-appropriate learning and relationship-building opportunities. We use the curriculum God’s Big Story, created by the Anglican Network in Canada. Our classes are friendly to diverse learning styles. We do our best to accommodate everyone, however, this often requires creative partnerships with parents.

Communion & Baptism

The Anglican Church baptizes infants and allows infant communion. We believe it is a great gift for our children to grow up “at the Lord’s Table” in a similar way they eat at the family dinner table.

At the same time, we honor parents’ personal convictions about baptism and communion regarding their children and are happy to work with families on an individual basis to baptize and offer communion when parents believe the time is right.

For children who are not yet partaking of communion, we encourage them to come forward during communion, cross their arms and receive a blessing.

Linn Haralson profile photo

Want to learn more?

Contact our Director of Grace Kids, Linn Haralson