Young Adults

As a young adult, it can be difficult to find friendship in Seattle. To help foster community, especially for those young adults who are new to Grace, we gather together twice a month to share a meal following Sunday worship. Our time together is intentionally informal to allow both newcomers and long-standing members a chance to experience community in a low-stakes environment around good food.

While defining a young adult is a difficult task, our group generally consists of those who are in their 20s and early 30s. If you aren’t sure if you qualify as a young adult, come join one of our gatherings and decide for yourself!

Sunday Lunch

2nd & 4th Sundays of the month, 12:30 pm (following worship service)

Our location varies and can range from meeting in the park to meeting in someone's home. To stay up to date or to be added to the Signal group, please contact Nelson Hall.

Nelson Hall profile photo

Want to learn more?

Contact our Pastor of Youth and Young Adults, Nelson Hall